Data Structures Using Java

Well verse with Java as a programming language and concepts.Duration: 5-6 weeks

Course Description

The course aims to cover one of the most widely used programming language Java, its concepts along with Data Structures. As this course focus on the fundamentals of software development, it starts with a beginner-level introduction to rigorous problem-solving approaches in Computer Science. During the course, the student would be solving 300+ problems which will enhance programming skills and in-depth working knowledge of data structures.

Curriculum Structure

  • Data Structures Using Java
    • Flowcharts and Pseudo Code
    • Java as a Programming Language
    • IDE Installation
    • Java Syntax with Basics
    • Loops, Functions and Arrays
    • Recursion and Optimization
    • Object Oriented Programming Concepts (OOPS)
    • Widely Used Libraries
    • Stacks, Queues and Trees
    • Heaps, Hashing and Graphs
    • Dynamic Programming
    • Design Principles along with Serialization

Arun Singal

Head In Nichola's Sports Academy

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