Android App Development
The participant to understand how to design and develops Androids App.Duration: 6-8 weeks

Course Description
Android App Development Certification course will enable the participant to understand how to design and develops Androids App. As part of the course curriculum, the participant will gain required proficiency core concepts related to User experience/responsive layout, permissions, usage firebase and other APIs like linking payment gateway, maps etc. To get the maximum out of this program it is desirable to have familiarity with any language, Database and operating system concepts.
Curriculum Structure
- Android App Development
- Android OS Overview and features
- Responsive Design Layout
- Data Storage
- Develop Pages for App
- Linkage to Payment gateway & Maps etc
- Usage of firebase
- Security
- Permission
- Deployment on Google playstore
- SOA and web services
- AWT & Swings
- Threads
- Networking and I/O Package
- J2EE HTTP protocol and HTML